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2021-12-17 10:13分类:英语四级阅读:217 分享







预测+1 云旅游


“云旅游”是在疫情影响传统旅游业的背景下产生出的一种新旅游概念。人们通过直播“游览”各个景点,实现了足不出户,尽揽祖国大好河山的目的。随着5G技术的普及应用,直播能以更快的传输速率提升画质,美景传递不再打折。同时,配合航拍(aerial photography)和VR沉浸式体验等全新手法,"云游"实现了让游客身临其境。这种人们喜闻乐见的"云旅游"产品也加快了互联网、大数据和其他技术的应用。


“Cloud tourism” is a new idea, which is created along with the impact of the epidemic on the traditional tourism. People "visit" various scenic spots through live broadcast to achieve the goal of staying home and appreciating the magnificent rivers and mountains of our homeland. With the popularization and application of 5G technology, the image quality can be improved and transmission can be faster to ensure the beautiful sceneries can be displayed perfectly in live broadcast. Meanwhile, with new techniques such as aerial photography and VR immersive experience, "cloud traveling"  enables tourists to feel like they are there in person. This popular "cloud tourism" product has also accelerated the application of Internet, big data and other technologies.


along with the impact of the epidemic 在疫情的影响/冲击下

scenic spots 旅游景点 = tourist attractions

through prep. 通过(表方式)

live adj. 现场的

broadcast n. 广播;播放 (broadcasting亦可)

live broadcast 现场直播 =live broadcasting 

appreciate v. 欣赏

magnificent adj. 壮丽的

popularization n. 普及

application n. 应用

the image quality 图像质量

transmission n.传输

the beautiful sceneries 美景

immersive adj.沉浸式的

accelerate v. 使……加快

预测1 汉服




As China's economy boomed in recent decades, China has embraced Western fashion and futuristic technology, but a growing number of young people are looking to the past for their sartorial choices and donning traditional "Hanfu" or "Han clothing". These historic costumes of the Han ethnic majority are enjoying a renaissance in part because the government is promoting traditional culture. On traditional Chinese festivals such as Tomb Sweeping Day and Mid-autumn Festival and formal occasions, young people put on their Hanfu. Once, on top of Xi'an City Wall, more than one hundred couples got married, wearing Hanfu, in a ceremony according to ancient edicts.

预测2 中国概况


中国这片古老神秘而又美丽的土地吸引着很多喜欢冒险的(adventurous)外国人。作为面积 960 万平方公里的世界第三大国,中国地势(terrain)和气候的多样性塑造了无数迷人的自然景观。中国植物、动物和矿产资源丰富。这片土地孕育(nurture)了一 代代勤奋的中国人民。除“四大发明”外,中国也有独一无二的艺术和手工艺品,包含绘画、书法、曲艺、刺绣(embroidery)和丝绸。


China is an ancient, mysterious and beautiful land, which attracts a host of adventurous foreigners. As the third largest country in the world, China covers an area of 9.6 million square kilometers. Various terrains and climates in China shape countless fascinating natural attractions. In China, there are abundant plants, animals and mineral resources. This land has nurtured generations of diligent Chinese people. In addition to“The Four Great Inventions”, China has unique arts and handcrafts, including paintings, calligraphy, operas, embroideries and silk. 

预测3 人口老龄化


中国的老龄人口在快速增长。预计到2050年,全国将有三分之一的人口超过 60 岁。然而,在中国的大多数城市,养老院(nursing home)数量很少且针对性的服务远远落后。这就是为什么大多数中国人在他们变老时,更愿意留在自己的子女或配偶身边。一些人建议增加保障老龄人口权益的国家财政预算,给养老院提供更多的基础设施(infrastructure)并提高其服务质量。 


The aged population in China is growing/expanding fast. It is predicted that by 2050, one out of three Chinese will be over 60 years old. However, in a majority of Chinese cities, the number of nursing homes is not adequate, and their targeted services lag far behind. That’s why most Chinese prefer to stay with their children or spouses, when they get old. Some individuals suggest that more national budget should be allocated to protecting aged people’s rights and interests, building more infrastructures for nursing homes and improving their service. 

预测4 一带一路


人类社会正处在一个大发展大变革大调整时代。6 年来,全球 100 多个国家和国际组织积极支持和参与“一带一路”建设(the Belt and Road Initiative)。2014 年至 2018 年,中国同“一带一路”沿线国家贸易总额超过6万亿美元。中国对“一带一路”沿线国家投资累计超 过 500 亿美元。中国企业已经在20多个国家建设 56 个经贸合作区(economic cooperation zone),为有关国家创造近24亿美元税收(tax revenue)和 27 万个就业岗位。 


Humankind has reached an age of great progress, great transformation and profound changes. Sixyears on, over 100 countries and international organizations have supported and got involved in the Belt and Road Initiative. Trade  between China and other Belt and Road countries exceeded 6 trillion U.S. dollars in the 2014-2018 period, and China’s investment in these countries surpassed 50 billion dollars. Chinese companies have set up 56 economic cooperation zones in over 20 countries, generating some 2.4 billion dollars of tax revenue and 270 thousand jobs for them. 

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