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汇上优课 成都威学一百教育 托福 托福写作常用论据:金钱及互联网


2023-10-23 11:15分类:托福阅读:61 分享
  1. 托福写作主要考察学生对词汇、语法的掌握,以及逻辑和结构构架能力,一篇好的托福写作范文能够帮助同学们抓住托福写作的得分点,并能给大家提供提供高分词汇和句式,小编为您提供托福作文范文,本篇是关于金钱及互联网的托福作文范文。

托福考试写作高频论据之一:money (金钱)

the benefits of money:

1. basic needs: food, clothes, accommodation, transportation;

2. education: books, attend courses;

3. emergency: acute illnesses, accidents;

4. entertainment: travel, concerts, etc.


money plays an indispensible role in human beings' life in present days, without which we are unable to survive in this world. first and foremost, money can meet people's fundamental needs, for instance, not only can people use money to bring food on the table to prevent starvation, but they can savor a wide range of delicious delicacies served in the upscale restaurants to gratify their taste-buds. additionally, men and women alike are able to purchase stylish and trendy clothes to leave a memorable impression on others especially when they are engaging in significant events. people can rent or even buy a gorgeous and comfortable house with the money they have earned to enjoy conveniences brought about by modern technology. if a person had plenty of money, he could own a private car to spare himself the trouble of hustling in the subway trains during morning and afternoon rush hours.


1. money is the most important aspect in a job.

2. most of business people are only motivated by the desire of money.

3. people care more about public recognition than about money. even if no more money is given, public recognition can still make people work harder.

4. it is better to take a secure job with a low pay than to take a job with a high pay but is easy to lose.

5. a job with more vocation time but a low salary is better than a job with a high salary but less vacation time.

高频论据之二:internet (互联网)

1. communication: email, online chatting;

2. education: knowledge, learning materials, online courses;

3. entertainment: tv shows, movies & games

4. life convenience: online shopping, pre-order service


since the advent of internet, teaching and learning has been transformed in many fundamental ways. not only are students capable of getting access to a wealth of information online, but also they are able to teach themselves with the aid of online courses that cater to varying educational levels. for instance, my classmate john has already studied college math on the internet on his own while we are still struggling with math problems designed for high school students. hence he often debates fervidly with the math teacher regarding some tricky issues and always comes up with easier solutions. thus teachers' authority is more often than not challenged by talented and computer-savvy students like john, posing more difficulties for teachers to impart knowledge to students. in the past, nevertheless, teachers are regarded as figures of authority and the single source of knowledge. students had a keen faith in teachers and hardly did they cast doubt on the credibility of teachers.


以上就是成都威学一百教育为您提供托福写作常用论据:金钱及互联网的全部内容,更多内容请进入托福栏目 查看

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