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2023-12-28 15:34分类:雅思阅读:47 分享



1. mortgage loan (按揭贷款) is a loan secured by real property through the use of a mortgage note which evidences the existence of the loan and the encumbrance of that realty through the granting of a mortgage which secures the loan.   e.g. Personal Home Loan Mortgages provides borrowers with the most current mortgage rates, news, resources and information.

2. a relocated unit or household (搬迁户) is the basic residential unit in which economic production, consumption, inheritance, child rearing, and shelter are organized and carried out.   e.g. Appropriate a special fund to help relocate households or units having to move.

3. domestic removal allowance (住户搬迁津贴)   e.g. Domestic allowances will be provided to the eligible households affectecd by public rental housing redevelopment.

4. compensation for demolition (拆迁补偿费)   e.g. On the compensation for demolition, relocation of people being relocated due to compensation and resettlement.

5. property right certificate (房权证)   e.g. The property right certificate is an necessary proof of your ownership of housing.

6. real estate speculator (炒房者)   e.g. A Real Estate Speculator Goes From Boom to Bust.

7. residence houses for low-and-medium wage earners (经济适用房)   e.g. A study on the problem of the Chinses Policy on residence houses for low-and-medium wage earners.

8. urban housing provident fund (城镇住房公积金)   e.g. Urban Housing Provident Fund Management Center, former director jailed for bribe.  

9. removal expense (拆迁费用)   e.g. Removal expenses for teaching assistants, teaching fellows, graduate students.

10. Comfortable Housing Project (安居工程)   e.g. Government's comfortable housing project in Tibet.











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