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汇上优课 天津培训 天津新东方英语培训中心 学习资料 雅思听力得高分技巧 附雅思听力常用词汇

雅思听力得高分技巧 附雅思听力常用词汇

2022-11-18 15:35阅读:132 分享






a. 定位词

顾名思义就是你一听到某个单词就能知道它对应的是第几道题。读题过程中尽可能的把题都看完,尤其要认真看下Section 2和Section 3 的选择题,这种长题干选择题至少要知道个大概。


b. 关键词







historical photograph, cinema zone, horseback riding, detailed map, wildlife, roof, gap, gas tanks, bush fire, radio and batteries, unappealing appearance, peel, ripe , a mixed bunch of, attraction zone, coastal park, ferry, washing facility, total block, plastic, coastline, altitude, vegetation , temperature, exhibition, art gallery, blanket, display, motor, concert hall, bonus, hot balloon , overseas student, resort, horse ranch, bush herbal treatment, theme park, waterproof clothes,firework, rollercoaster jumping, long queue, frightening, qualification, conservation, homesick, adventure, volunteer, achievement, driving license, theory test , practical test, revision, trial test, provisional license, reschedule, pretzel factory, train ride, helicopter, anniversary, journalists, skate rink, equipment, committee, playground, spa, weights room, massage room, heart monitor, recipe, longer appointment, communication skills, qualification, job description, salaries


lighting alternation, strength, personal statement, update, business contact, customer relations, permission, worksheet, parliament, unique, recreational, spiritual, practical, commercial, fabric, engine, utility, higher seats, roll over, weight, farmer, insurance, evidence, inappropriate, target readers, expects, sentence, relevant, outline, draft, appendices, natural routine work, well-organised, a wide range of, , dictation, subtitles, chat show,mentor, confidence building, course selection, networking, survey, frequency, script, report draft, proofreading, electronic digital images, slides, group representative, confidential, journal,budget, workload, job opportunities, higher fees, strict range, journalism, status, freedom, work placement, challenging, emission of toxic gas, explode, local residence, university students, renewable energy, hydrogen, energy-harvest, solar panel, appearance, small scale, budget, nuts, observer, specialised


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