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2023-10-28 14:39阅读:244 分享

备考剑桥KET的时候,交通工具的词汇是必考的。我们日常出行会用到交通工具,比如boat, ship, bus, train, car, bike, helicopter等。一起来看看小编整理的剑桥五级常见的交通工具英语单词。


I goto school bybus. It’s only three stops.

We got the trainto Cardiff, but the journeywas terrible.

When the bus fareswent up last month, my dad started cyclingto work.

I got out ofthe taxi and almost walked away without paying the fare.

If there are moreflights, airfaresshould be cheaper.

We were going to get the trainto Paris, but in the end we decided to fly.

It was a good journey. (NOT It was a good travel.)

Public Transport


transportation 交通
metro 地铁
bus 巴士
double-decker bus 双层巴士
airplane 飞机
boat 轮船
ticket office 售票处


1. We were late, so we had to get / catch a taxi.
2. You mustn’t ride / drive a motorbike without a helmet in the UK.
3. She told him to get in / get on the car and fasten his seat belt.
4. The journey / travel to the airport takes half an hour.
5. Trains to the airport travel / run every half hour.
6. The pilot didn’t want to drive / fly the plane in such bad weather.
7. They left a bit late and lost / missed the bus.
8. I see that train fares / tickets are going up again.
9. You mustn’t speak to the bus pilot / driver when he is driving.
10. We must get off / out the bus at the next station / stop.


A:Let's go to the cinema by bus.


B:Better take the subway. It's far quicker and more convenient.


A:OK, it will be a new experience for me.


B:We have a rather comprehensive subway system here. You can get almost anywhere rather quickly on a subway, especially at this time of day when the traffic is heavy.


A:Where do we pay the fare?


B:Just give the man sitting there three yuan and he'll give you a ticket.


A:Do I have to pay an additional fare to change trains?


B: No , you don't have to. Here comes the train. Be careful!Subway doors open and close automatically.




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