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2023-11-11 21:53阅读:303 分享



Some people think that companies and people should be responsible for paying for the pollution they produced and that government should not be responsible for paying for it. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Environmental issues have long been a concern to all, and undoubtedly we need to raise our awareness of protecting the environment. This essay will analyze the importance of both the government and companies and individuals when in face of the responsibility of cleaning up pollution.

No one would deny that without individual participation, any policies or regulations would never work out successfully. Therefore, every effort matters a lot when it comes to pollution cleanup. Certain measures, such as raising taxation proportion, can be applied to encourage individuals to have a better awareness of reducing their personal consumption and waste production.
Another effective method to control pollution is to limit its emission at source. Rules should be implemented on companies that have engaged in industrial productions that could bring potential harms to the environment, making sure that they have taken enough efforts to minimize the damage. And for companies targeted at mass production, tax penalties should be enforced to monitor their process of manufacturing.
As it is known to all, the budget of government’s revenue is not unlimited, and pollution management can never be achieved only through governmental financial support. Thus, what the government should focus on more is to ensure that companies and individuals are accountable for their actions and to establish relevant plans that could supervise their dischargeof pollution.
In conclusion, the responsibility of environmental protection should never be designated to the government alone. For companies and individuals who produce pollution, they should always bear the duties of cleaning it up to prevent further harms to the environment.


Environment-related issues have become increasingly urgent today.Such hazards as pollution,global warming,and the La Ni?a phenomenon are repeatedly brought to the centre of attention in major international conferences.The United Nations,among other organisations,is treating these tough problems seriously.However,the efforts of large-scale groups should never hinder the efforts made by individuals.That is to say,in addition to international efforts,individual countries and ordinary people also have their destined share of duties.

Admittedly,problems concerning the environment have been globalised,thus going far beyond national borders.Take global warming for example.The growing temperature is slowly causing the world’s sea levels to rise and the climate changes also result in the frequent occurrence of extreme weather conditions such as heavy floods and droughts.What’s worse,negative chain effects may be incurred,including species extinction,ocean acidification,food unsafety,etc.To combat these threats,actions at the international level must be taken without delay.As members of United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change,many countries aim to join hands in protecting the earth,our common homeland,from further deterioration.Indeed,global warming has posed such an overwhelming challenge to the human race that any individual country is incapable of conquering it independently.Speaking of the measures to be adopted on the global scale,they involve both financial donations and technological cooperation.Due to the powerful influence of international organisations,more money could be collected and allocated in the projects to tackle global warming.Meanwhile,relevant scientific research programmes like the experiment on geo-engineering also depend on the combination of human intelligence around the globe.

Nevertheless,the situation in each country is unique.It is unrealistic to depend solely on international efforts.Each government should sketch out effective plans to solve their existing problems.To illustrate,the natural resources in many nations are constantly being overexploited.The local and central authorities ought to react responsibly by implementing effective policies.

Besides,individual citizens should never be excessively reliant on the international community.Much needs to be done by ordinary people themselves.In fact,individuals play a significant role in environmental protection.Without their participation,the dream of a cleaner and more environment-friendly world may never come true.For instance,everyone is able to contribute to emission reduction by completing a series of simple tasks,such as limiting the use of private cars and buying renewable and harmless products.

In conclusion,even though international efforts are required to address environment-related problems,the contribution made by each individual must never be omitted.Only when all inhabitants on earth passionately take part in the cause for environmental protection through diversified channels can the best results be achieved.No matter how complex the issue is,the impact of each individual must not be understated.



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